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The Church Guide For Making Decisions Together
Building Support for Consensus Based Discernment
Setting the scene – why change is needed (19:30)
The values in a consensus Discernment process (9:50)
How to change to Discernment (24:41)
How to prepare people to be good at discernment (22:29)
Overcoming objections (19:43)
Module 1 Lesson Outlines
Module 1 Resources
Getting People to Agree: Consensus Building Principles and Practices
Set yourself up for success (21:34)
Build on shared values to make decisions (10:00)
Know the principles (23:59)
Practices that support Discernment (21:59)
Module 2 Lesson Outlines
Module 2 Resources
Succeeding in a Changing World
Understanding change (10:21)
The transforming power of change (19:01)
It’s all about people! (18:01)
Change and communication (7:09)
Engaging the faith community in Discernment (10:37)
Module 3 Lesson Outlines
Module 3 Resources
Handling Conflict Effectively
Making the most of conflict (23:28)
Levels of conflict (18:19)
What’s your conflict style? (8:30)
Strategies to decrease conflict (14:48)
Module 4 Lesson Outlines
Module 4 Resources
How to Run a Consensus Building Meeting
Set the agenda (12:10)
What should be In an agenda? (21:21)
Strategies and tools for leading the Discernment process (28:42)
Leadership (29:31)
Making Discernment and Facilitation Groups effective (17:27)
Module 5 Lesson Outlines
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It’s all about people!
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